Born and raised in south Germany, Janosch moved to Berlin in 2013 after having completed his Master’s degree in bio-engineering, the final stage of which was part of a very marking experience in Brazil, where he accidentally came to live in an artist-dense neighbourhood of São Paulo. As a consequence of the encounter with that cultural layer of the paulistano society, he decided to give photography room to grow and enrolled at an art school in Berlin.
Today his works revolve around the dynamics between humans and nature as well as subjects like perception, memory and personal identity. Visually he often pursues experimental approximations to these topics, seeking to embrace the undecypherable part of any artistic venture and thus hoping to provoke the results to reveal some sort of soul. 
// Janosch Weiss lebt in Berlin und widmet sich als künstlerischer Fotograf zur Zeit vorwiegend den Themen Mensch/Natur, Wahrnehmung, Erinnerung und Identität. Formal verfolgt er meist experimentelle Ansätze und fordert damit die Sehgewohnheiten innerhalb des Mediums der Fotografie heraus.
// Janosch Weiss vive em Berlim e, como fotógrafo artístico, actualmente dedica-se principalmente aos temas do ser humano/natureza, percepção, memória e identidade. Formalmente, ele busca principalmente métodos experimentais e assim desafia os hábitos de visualização no meio da fotografia.
2020-21   Solo-Ausstellung "NATIVE", Illuseum, Berlin

2019        Solo-Ausstellung "essere insita", Siena/Toskana, Italien
2018         Solo-Exhibition “RE-CONVERGENCE”,
                Schauraum Waldstraße 17, Karlsruhe (GER)
2018         Solo-Exhibition “HUMAN NATURE”,
                unter Urban Projektraum, Berlin (GER)
2017         Group exhibition/live-curating event “The Blind Curator”,
                F.K.Kollektiv, Berlin (
2013-2017     Student at btk university of applied sciences (Today: UE)
                     (photography curriculum):
                Group exhibitions (semester finals exhibitions; Open Days exhibitions)
2015        Group exhibition “Winterschlaf”, F.K. Kollektiv, Berlin
2015        Group exhibition “bitter”, F.K.Kollektiv, Berlin
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